Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Importance of Telling Our Stories

The power of telling our stories is remarkable. I've posted a must- read article that was referred to me about the importance of telling our own stories. It describes the healing powers of expressing our own life experiences in written form, and the gift of knowledge our stories provide for the ones who listen and read them.

It is all about sharing our life experiences with one another as we navigate our way through life. We have a responsibility as human beings to be there for each another. This includes sharing our personal stories and experiences with family, friends, loved ones, neighbors, colleagues and anyone who can benefit from the knowledge we have gained, and life lessons we have learned.  

This is the beauty of social media and technology today. Through books such as, Hope After Divorce, newspapers, magazines, journals, direct verbal communication, music, art, facebook, youtube, blogs, twitter, etc., we can share our personal and inspiring stories with ease.

Please take a moment to read this article written by Rachael Freed for the Huffington Post, entitled, The Importance of Telling Our Stories.  I hope you will share it via your many social media outlets, talk about it and begin to live it.

We welcome your comments, and hope you will share your thoughts.


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