Thursday, June 7, 2012

Writing for LA

 I am happy to announce that I am writing for LA focusing on articles dealing with children, families and co-parenting issues of divorce. With the divorce rate well above 50%, there is a great need for resources, help and advice on all things dealing with the consequences of divorce.

My passion centers around consequences that come to children in divorce, and what we as parents must do to minimize them. Learning, and having the tools we need to co-parent peacefully with our ex-spouse is critical for our children's well-being and their ability to trust us.

I've included the link to my first article, which was published today. It's entitled, What About Your Child's Voice?

Please forward my article, and our blog to anyone who could benefit. You can also go to the bottom of my article and "vote" on how well you liked it, and also "like" it, share with your facebook and twitter accounts, etc.

Love your comments.

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